Jesus calls for a deep, sincere response to him, which involves trusting him and following his teaching and example. It’s life changing!
every choice has a consequence
Life is short. In these few years we get to live in this world, we have to make many choices. Some are more important than others. But there’s one choice that makes all the difference: what will you do about Jesus? If Jesus is just another religious teacher, you can take or leave him. But if he is - as he claimed - the Son of God who died for our sin and rose again, then we must let him rule us. We must stop ignoring God, and turn back to him by entrusting all we are to the King he sent: King Jesus. His coming into the world is God’s worldwide call for us to turn back (often called “repent”) and to believe/trust in him.
“Repent and believe the good news!”
More content will be added to this page in the future. But if you want to know more about how to respond to Jesus Christ please contact us. Either way, please watch the videos below: