Our vision
Every journey needs a destination. Every team has a goal.
As a church, we have a vision for what we hope to do and be. It’s a bit of mouthful, but it’s all about growth, all about good, and all about the gospel of Jesus. Here it is:
“In prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit, and being guided by the unchanging truth of the Bible, our vision is to be a vibrant, intergenerational, multicultural community where the good news about Jesus Christ drives us into loving relationships, spiritual growth, willing service and clear witness - that the church might grow and God be glorified.”
Arising from our vision, we are committed to four main things:
LOVING God and others
Because God is loving, we are committed to being a community that genuinely seeks to love God and those around us. (Mark 12:30; 1 John 3:23; 1 Cor. 13:13)
GROWING in spiritual maturity
Because God wants us to grow spiritually, we are committed to seeing people make continuous spiritual progress, becoming more like Jesus as we follow him together. (Rom. 8:29; Matt. 28:18-19; Heb. 10:24)
SERVING others willingly
Because Jesus Christ willingly served us, we are committed to actively seeking to use what God has given us for the good of others, and the strengthening of the church. (1 Pet. 4:10; 1 Cor. 12:7; Mark 10:45)
WITNESSING in word and deed
Because God has given the church a mission, we are committed to witnessing to others the good news of Jesus Christ in all we say and do. (Acts 1:3; Matt. 5:14; Phil. 3:8; 1 Cor. 15:58)